Please  register if you are planning on attending the next VE testing session. This will aid us in planning for the session and will also give us contact information for you in case the session is cancelled.  To register please complete the registration form.

Prior to arriving at the VE Session, please make sure you have the following:

  • If you have an amateur radio license, please bring a copy of the license.  Instructions for printing a copy from the FCC database can be found here.
  • A pencil and a black/blue pen
  • Two photo ids
  • $15.00 for the exam fee (or two sheep or three goats, special offer for WV residents)


  • Calculator, you will not be allowed to use your cell phone as a calculator.

Link to the NCVEC 605 Form
This form can be completed when you arrive or you can complete the form and print a copy to bring with you to the testing site.

New to HAM radio?  Just received your license.  The ARRL has published a quick start guide to help you set up your first HAM shack.  It can be found here.

We offer Amateur Radio license examinations at 6:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month, except for December. The exam location is the American Red Cross Building, 1299 Pineview Drive, Morgantown, WV. The entrance to use is the one between the two attached buildings. From this entrance the Red Cross is one floor up (3rd Floor).

We prefer preregistration, but allow walk-in applicants for the Technician exam, based on the available room to conduct the exam. General and Extra Class examinees should preregister, and should arrive at or before 6:00 PM. The General exam often takes ½ hour, and the Extra can take and hour.

Since the MWA club meeting begins at 7:00 PM, we would like to be
finished by that time.